Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Story Chairs

Well, this is pretty awesome. One of my poems ("Where our fathers are") was included as part of Tina Hoggatt's "Story Chairs" project, opening soon at the Jack Straw New Media Gallery in Seattle. The idea, from what I understand, is that gallery-goers will be invited to sit in one of two chairs, which will in turn play an audio recording. When the visitor stands, the audio ceases; when they sit, a new piece begins. There are 32 pieces of writing in all. Mine is one of them. (You can actually listen to a writer named Will Rose read my poem on this website. Do it. It's a trip.)

Needless to say, I am very excited about this. For all you Seattle people, there's an opening on Wednesday, March 27th, from 5:30-8 pm. I won't be able to be there, living as I do in Atlanta these days, but I hope some of you will serve as my proxy.

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